Featured Cases
Every investigation has a unique outcome
*Please note that all client and individual data has been redacted from these cases. Spotlight does not share publically or privately who our clients are to ensure complete client discretion.*

Open-Source Intelligence & Surveillance - Body-building member of An Garda Siochana (Irish Police Force).
The claimant, who had submitted two separate Personal Injury claims, alleged that they could no longer work due to their injuries. Spotlight carried out an extensive Open-Source Intelligence investigation and protracted surveillance, obtaining evidence that the claimant was competing as a bodybuilder and working as a Personal Trainer in a gym. Video evidence was obtained of the claimant lifting substantial weights in the gym. Spotlight showed the evidence in the High Court and both claims were withdrawn by the claimant on the back of the evidence obtained.

Open-Source Intelligence & Surveillance - Fishing Boat Repairman.
The claimant, who resided in an extremely rural area on the west coast of Ireland, was working abroad before coming home for a short period of time. The client believed, due to the rural nature of the claimant's home, that we would not be able to maintain surveillance on this individual. We carried out observations over a two-day period and obtained substantial video evidence of the claimant as they repaired the hull and deck of a fishing boat that they owned before launching the vessel. The case was settled favourably by our client.

Financial Investigation & Tracing of Individual and Assets.
Spotlight Investigations, working for a government department, was tasked with carrying out an initial Financial Investigation on a group of individuals who had embezzled circa. €4 million of money from the government. After a successful outcome of the Financial Investigation, Spotlight Investigations was then tasked with locating the whereabouts of one of the individuals who had absconded from Ireland. A paper trail, left by this individual, was followed from Ireland to the USA to the UK and then to Central Europe where they were located. Our investigators travelled to the Central Europe country, confirmed the individual's whereabouts to the government department and served legal documents on its behalf.

Open-Source Intelligence - Fraud Ring.
Spotlight Investigations was employed by a leading insurance company to carry out Open-Source Intelligence investigations into ten separate individuals who were involved in a road traffic accident (five individuals in each car). The client had a suspicion that the individuals were all acquaintances, contrary to what they claimed to our client. We ascertained that all the individuals concerned indeed were known to each other. Our investigator attended court and the case was withdrawn by the claimants on the back of our evidence.

Employee Investigation & Surveillance - Golf-playing employee.
We were employed by a self-insured company who had a staff member who, having sustained significant injuries, was refusing to come to work unless their demands were met. This individual also claimed that they could not engage in any recreational activities whatsoever. Open-Souce Intelligence revealed that this individual was involved in a number of golf competitions, as well as being the President of a golf club close to their home. We obtained substantial video evidence of the claimant engaging in golf-related activities on several occasions.

Open-Source Intelligence & Surveillance - Judo Instructor.
Spotlight Investigations, working for a self-insured company and a market-leading loss adjusting company, ascertained through Open-Source Intelligence that the claimant was operating Judo classes multiple evenings a week. One of our Surveillance Operatives attended one of the claimant's classes, whilst another Operative covertly recorded the session from a viewing area. Video evidence was obtained of the claimant as they coached the class, performing forward rolls and rolling class attendees over their shoulder (see attached image).

Employee Investigation - Immigration.
We were employed by a market-leading loss adjusting company acting on behalf of a large self-insured company. The self-insured company were investigating a personal injury claim made against them by a staff member who had only joined the company a few weeks prior to their accident. Working closely with the loss adjusting company, we ascertained that the staff member in question had lied on their Curriculam Vitae by including details of employment with companies that did not exist and omiting information in relation to their criminal history. They had evidently been dishonest to the Department of Immigration in relation to their working visa.

Employee Investigation - Stock Theft.
A world renowned alcoholic drinks company employed Spotlight Investigations to undertake an extensive investigation to acertain where large quantities of stock due to be delivered to public houses had gone missing. An extensive joint internal investigation and surveillance operation was carried, revealing that a number of delivery drivers for the company were removing stock from their trucks and placing them in vans waiting in secluded areas a short distance from the delivery route. We ascertained that this stock was being sold privately online by acquaintances of the delivery drivers. The success of the investigation resulted in the client taking the relevant actions against the staff members involved.